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From the moment our children are born, we are all homeschoolers. Society has told us that by the time our children are six years old, we must pass the responsibility of educating our children to others who are deemed "qualified" by the government. Some of us, by reason of choice or circumstance, pass our children into the hands of other adults as early as two or three weeks old, and most feel our kids will not be properly prepared for school unless they attend a group preschool at the ages of three and four. Yet, there is over a million of us in the United States who see the public school systems as failed or floundering, and we think that we can give our children a better education at home. Well, we don't just think that we can give our kids a better education at home, we know it. And recently, with three homeschooled students capturing the top prizes in the 2000 Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee, the rest of the Nation has had to stop and take notice of the accomplishments of homeschoolers.
When people find out that I homeschool my children, they usually ask many questions. If you have any questions about homeschooling, you will find the answers to many of your questions on the FAQ's page. Two of the big worries everyone has when they find out my children are homeschooled are, "What about socialization and what about college?" As far as socialization goes, have you been at the school playground recently? The social skills I have observed are not the type I want my kids to learn. Studies have shown that homeschooled children have better social skills than other children of the same age. And now that homeschooling has become more organized, there are ample opportunities for socialization. There are park days, field trips, chess clubs, writing workshops, music and drama groups, sports leagues, presentation days, co-op classes, and much more available for homeschoolers. We have included the EVENTS page and EVENTS BOARD to help homeschoolers keep informed on the multitude of activities that are out there.
As for college, over 200,000 homeschoolers are currently enrolled in colleges throughout the country, and a higher percentage of homeschool applicants are accepted into major colleges and universities than other students. Homeschoolers not only score higher on average on national college-preparatory tests, but tend to make higher grades in college than other students. And recent legislation has made homeschoolers eligible for all financial aid programs.
Homeschooling is superior to any other form of education, and you can be your child's best teacher. No one loves, knows or cares about your child like you do. And no where else will your child get a personally designed curriculum taught to them in the way that they learn best, with all the one-on-one help they need, but at home.
A successful education begins at an early age for both homeschool and public school students. I encourage anyone with a child between the ages of 3 and 4 to look at my PRE-K curriculum. Starting at the age of three, spending only fifteen minutes to one hour a day with your child, five days a week, your child could be reading above a second grade level and be doing first grade work easily by their fifth Birthday. If you decide not to homeschool, your child will be ready to excel in the public school. The public schools may not know what to do with a kid walking into Kindergarten the first day that can already read, write, and is learning multiplication, but it is possible. And when you see how far ahead your children are, and how happy they are at home with you, you might just decide to keep them home until college.
We all want the best for our children. May Hammonton Home Educators help you and your children on the road to a better education.